This series of posts corresponds to the 2018 SAGE Research Methods Open House. If you would like to access the SAGE e-books, articles, case studies, videos, and datasets mentioned in these posts, explore SAGE Research Methods with a free trial.
Videos offer an opportunity to hear an experienced researcher explain some aspect of research design or practice. SAGE Research Methods contains a growing collection of videos. How do you find the ones you or your students need?As noted in the post
SRM Videos to Match Research Readiness , while sometimes we need a basic explanation because we are exploring a new approach, other times we want to go beyond the basics. Building on the idea of using Bloom's Taxonomy to think through our search strategy, we can think about our needs in terms of the type of knowledge we want to develop. Are we looking for the facts, theories or concepts, how-to procedures, or the larger scholarly context?

Let's look at the navigation options, so you can quickly identify the videos that will be relevant to your research journey.

First, when you log in you will see the video portal on the top page. By clicking that link you will see a number of navigation options.

Or, you can search by name or keyword, or simply browse the whole collection.Alternatively, you can refine your search by method,
discipline, or video type. The video type link will present options that can help you get to factual definitions or videos with procedural focus such as the tutorials. If you are looking for videos with a conceptual or metacognitive discussion, choose interviews or lectures.

For example, let's say I am working with a student who is considering a qualitative study. She could first look at a broad definition:
Jessica Nina Lester Defines Qualitative Inquiry. Next, she could look at
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods with Denise Clark Pope and
Types of Qualitative Research with

John Creswell. To better understand design procedures,
How should one go about designing a qualitative research project? offers practical help. The student could dig deeper into metacognitive thinking about research and the role of the researcher with
Sharlene Hesse-Biber Reflects on the Research Process, including "Behind the Scenes" Research Examples. After getting acquainted with the perspectives of these presenters, the student can find their articles, texts, and chapters to read.How can you use videos to learn more about research topics that interest you? How can you use videos to teach students or guide other researchers? Share your ideas and examples in the comment area. Anderson, L., Bloom, B. S., Krathwohl, D., & Airasian, P. (2000). Taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing: A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (2nd ed.). New York: Allyn & Bacon, Inc.