March Focus: Designing an Ethical Study.
In the first quarter of 2021 we explored design steps, starting with a January focus on research questions. We continued to learn about the design stage in February by focusing on Choosing Methodology and Methods. For March, the focus is on Designing an Ethical Study.
What do we mean by ethical research?
We will explore a wide range or issues encompassing the researcher's role(s) and positions, choice of research problems to study, and inclusion of diverse and vulnerable populations. We will explore principles and practices more typically associated with "research ethics," such as protection of human participants, while thinking about contemporary and online research contexts.
Why are we focusing on the design stage?
We are starting 2021 with attention to design stages of research. We will continue to look at issues related to ethics as we move into research stages associated with collecting data (April, May, June), analyzing data (July, August, September), and sharing results (October, November, December.) As Dr. Poth observes: "Research ethics is really important to not only plan for at the beginning of a study but also to be attentive and respond appropriately to arising issues throughout a study."
How will we explore ethical research?
You will find original posts, open-access and library resources, and video interviews with researchers through this link. Join us for a webinar on March 10!
Who is the Mentor in Residence for March?

Dr. Cheryl Poth is our Mentor in Residence for March. Cheryl will be a panelist for the webinar on March 10. Register to join or receive a link to the recording.

She teaches research courses and workshops around the globe and served as the fourth president of the Mixed Methods International Research Association and on the advisory board of the International Institute of Qualitative Methodology for many years. She co-authored the 4th edition of Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design (2017, SAGE) with John Creswell and was conferred the SAGE Author Cornerstone Award and 2018 McGuffey Longevity Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association. Her books Innovation in Mixed Methods Research: Guiding Practices for Integrative Thinking with Complexity (2018, SAGE) and Research Ethics (2021, SAGE) are inspired by the dilemmas she hears in the field by learners. Her specific research interests include enhancing research quality and collaborative research teams in the fields of education, social services, and the health sciences.

Interested in purchasing Dr. Poth's books?
Use this code, MSPACE20, for a 20% discount when you order her books from SAGE Publishing.