Learn about Photovoice with Drs. Jean Breny and Shannon McMorrow

Photovoice for Social Justice

Drs. Jean Breny and Shannon McMorrow are participatory action researchers who use images collected with photovoice methods in conjunction interviews and focus groups. They are interested in more than studying social justice-- they want engage with co-researchers to study problems and generate research that informs real change. Like everyone else, they had to adapt methods that relied on face-to-face presence into online approaches during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Jean and Shannon discussed some references in the interview; here is the list:

Important foundations:

Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Herder & Herder: New York, NY.

Photovoice is also based in feminist theory:

Campbell, R. and Wasco, S.M. (2000). Feminist approaches to social science: epistemological and methodological tenets. American Journal of Community Psychology, 28(6), 773-791.

The seminal article for how photovoice is used in health promotion that we referenced:

Wang, C., & Burris, M. A. (1997). Photovoice: Concept, Methodology, and Use for Participatory Needs Assessment. Health Education & Behavior, 24(3), 369–387.

Two of our articles we referred to:

Ruff, N., Smoyer, A., & Breny, J. (2019). Hope, Courage, and Resilience in the Lives of Transgender Women of Color. The Qualitative Report, 24(8).

Saksena, J. & McMorrow, S. (2019). Through their eyes: a photovoice and interview exploration of integration experiences of Congolese refugee women in Indianapolis. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 21. 529-549. https://doi-org.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/10.1007/s12134-019-00672-1

For general qualitative research reference:

Denzin, N. K. & Guba, E.G. (2017). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry (5th, ed.),  Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California, U.S.A.

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