Participatory Assessment of Development: A Transformative Tool?

“The school building in Tô did not help to build the knowledge of the very poor when it first came, since they simply did not send their children to school as they thought the school was not even meant for them. But when the rains were too heavy and their house leaked, they would sleep on the veranda of the building and find shelter there. They still do this, but some of them now also send their children to school."
Pure subjectivity is hereby replaced by inter-subjectivity. Bringing together different community sub-group reports of important life changes is not without flaws. However, when similar mechanisms behind between interventions and effects are identified across these different sub-groups, this increases the likelihood of a causal relationship to exist. Insofar the causal reconstructions refer to the social domain, they are also powerful self-fulfilling prophecies: people acting as if the causal relation between an intervention and an outcome is true do actually help it to become true. Discovering the complex interactions and multiple causal relations between the different dimensions in the development process (actors, interventions, livelihood domains, socio-economic categories of people and time) shows the limitations of evaluation approaches that single out one specific intervention amongst many and according to self-defined criteria. The PADev approach shows that the ceteris paribus conditions in the real world are complex, multi-fold, and inter-related to other interventions and they are factors that require in-depth understanding rather than controlling.Taken all things together, the article positions PADev as a variant of ‘Participatory’ approaches (according to the typology of Stern, 2012, Table 3.3), but with overlaps to the ‘Synthesis studies’. As such, it can function as a community-level complement to single-intervention, quantitative impact evaluations, as a follow-up or predecessor, so unravel measured relationships, or come up with new questions and relationships to be explored further. The article concludes that if PADev is taken-up by multiple stakeholders, including development beneficiaries and stakeholders, it can contribute to a process of local history writing, knowledge sharing, capacity development and providing input into community action plans and the strategies of CBOs and NGOs.