Bringing Rigorous Methods to Real-World Problems
There is often an assumption that research can be truly rigorous, or it can be “real world” research, and that the two are somehow mutually exclusive or at polar opposite ends of a spectrum. However, the world is not that black and white, and it is possible to have our cake and eat it, too.
What kind of researcher are YOU?
Research ethics is about more than filling out the correct form for review. Research ethics is lived practice. An interview with Janet Salmons about ethics and integrity in research practice.
Learning More about Photovoice: A Brief Annotated Bibliography
Check out suggested readings about photovoice from Jean Breny and Shannon McMorrow.
A Unique Lens of Research Ethics
Guest contributor Bibek Dahal, from the Kathmandu University School of Education, Nepal, offers an introduction to his new open-access article Research Ethics: A Perspective of South Asian Context.
Using Secondary Data (Podcast)
Listen to a podcast about online news as secondary research data.
Theoretical Windows and Conceptual Mirrors: Using Theoretical Frameworks to arm your Conceptual Framework (Part 3)
This post, third in a series by William Thomas, bridges theory and the practice of research.
Creative Methods for supporting social science students in qualitative remote research
Learn about creative methods for collecting data from a co-editor of a new book on the topic!
Get ready for the webinar about online research!
Want to prepare for this webinar? Register, then read our work and get your questions ready!
Map Your Research Design
Use a research map to think about how and why human participants fit into your plans.
Research Ethics & Extant Data
See this research discussion with Wyke Stommel and Lynn de Rijk about ethical use of online data.
Facing Ethical Dilemmas During Research
Dr. Cheryl Poth discusses ways to address ethical issues that arise when the study is underway.
Ethics & Research with Vulnerable Participants
Cheryl Poth clarifies some points about research with vulnerable participants.