Register now and join us for a lively discussion!
Join us for this panel discussion with: Dr. Janet Salmons, Sage Publications (US), Dr. Nicola Pallitt, Rhodes University (South Africa), Andy Nobes, AuthorAid (UK) and Tony Carr, e/merge Africa / University of Cape Town (South Africa).
Researchers need to keep learning new approaches in order to study a changing world. How can we keep learning once we have completed our degrees and are busy with our careers? We go online, of course!
In this webinar we will discuss the kinds of opportunities and resources available for new and experienced researchers who want to sharpen skills and develop new ones. This webinar will be valuable to researchers, as well as to those who want to offer information, consultation, or learning opportunities to others.
What did we learn from studying ways five organizations provide online opportunities to learn and update research skills?
The webinar is based on a multiple case study analyzing the informal offerings of Methodspace (now Sage Research Methods Community), e/merge Africa, AuthorAid, Lumivero/NVivo, and the Textbook and Academic Authors Association. Our study resulted in a chapter published in the Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods. In this chapter we examines how each organization answered the following questions:
Join us to learn from our findings!