
Mixing and mashing participatory with other research methods
How can one combine well-established research methods using numbers (such as statistics) or narrative methods (in-depth interviews) with visual participatory methods (e.g. body mapping, painting, and social mapping)?
The two presenters will present how they combined participatory methods and principles with academic rigor presenting large-scale work from India on bonded laborers and work with sexual minorities in Vietnam. They will show that the final combination of methods and tools they used depended on the research question. Each type of evidence requires a different methodology and tools and techniques for collection and analysis, some of which may be participatory while others are not.

Action-oriented forms of participatory research
This session will introduce the main themes of the section action-oriented participatory research methods from the new SAGE Handbook of Participatory Research and Inquiry.
Each speaker will introduce their participatory research chapter, focusing on how action is used as a way of knowing/learning/doing research.

Digital technologies in participatory research
This session features three very different participatory digital research methods to explore the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile and internet tools in participatory research methods.

Participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning: Taking stock and breaking new ground
In this webinar we reflect on how participatory evaluation methods and practices have evolved and diversified since the participation heyday of the 1990s. We will explore the contemporary landscape of participatory evaluation through the experiences of leading participatory evaluators who use tried and trusted methods, such as Outcome Mapping and Most Significant Change, and novel methods including SenseMaker and Ripple Effects Mapping.
We ask what is our collective learning about how to navigate the practice of participation within real-life constraints of contemporary evaluation?

The global launch of the SAGE Handbook of Participatory Research and Inquiry
This SAGE Handbook presents contemporary, cutting-edge approaches to participatory research and inquiry. It has been designed for the community of researchers, professionals and activists engaged in interventions and action for social transformation, and for readers interested in understanding the state of the art in this domain.