Doing Research with Marginalized Communities: Webinar Recap
Access new webinar on conducting research with historically marginalized communities, featuring Dr. Shotonda S. Jones (St. Bonaventure University) and Dr. Shantoyia (Toy) Jones (Xavier University of Louisiana).
Decolonization, Technology, and Online Research
Decolonizing research methods means rethinking how we look at participants and problems. In the digital world there are even more ways the European West exerts cultural, economic, and political control. At the same time, the digital world allows researchers to conduct studies across the distances.
Think Before You Share: Navigating Power Hierarchies and Decoloniality in Research
Co-authors share about a topic of decolonial research, privilege, and ethics. They write this piece in two parts, narrating their understanding of the experience and how it relates to power hierarchies and researcher responsibility.
Research in Education and Psychology: Focusing on Root Causes and Increased Justice
Chart research directions that take you to the roots of the problem. Learn more in this guest post from Dr. Donna Mertens.
Studying Difficult Topics with Netnography
These difficult times present challenges for researchers. Find five original posts by Robert Kozinets about using Netnography to study sensitive topics.
Epistemological Questions in Indigenous Research
Read this collection of multidisciplinary articles to explore epistemological questions in Indigenous research.
DO, don't just quote, this MLK Day
This year we need to honor Martin Luther King's legacy with both reflection and action! In this post, find links to lots of original source materials, including documents and recordings.
The Importance of Being Disruptive: On Decolonising Creative Research Methods
Caroline Lenette offered a keynote address at the International Creative Research Methods conference, September 2023. See the address and learn about the 2024 conference here.
Academic Writing: From Global Authors to Global Readers
Safary Wa-Mbaleka, Arceli Rosario, and Anna Cohen Miller discussed opportunities and challenges for global researchers and academic writers in this roundtable discussion.
Disseminating Research with an Equity-Focused Lens
Learn about disseminating research with an equity lens in this guest post from the CTE Research Network Equity Working Group.
Researchers collaborate to be PREPARED for the next global crisis
Given the difficulties that emerged with the global Covid pandemic, the European Commission funded the PREPARED project. The aim of the project is to develop an ethics and integrity framework to guide researchers working to prevent and address large-scale crises. Find meeting reports, recordings, and related posts.
Part Two: Equity Approaches in Quantitative Analysis
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Equity Framework approach draws high-level insights from this body of work to inform equity in data analysis that can apply to groups of people who may face systemic barriers to CTE participation. Learn more in this two-part post!
Part One: The Need for Equity Approaches in Quantitative Analysis
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Equity Framework approach draws high-level insights from this body of work to inform equity in data analysis that can apply to groups of people who may face systemic barriers to CTE participation. This is part 2, find the link to part 1 and previous posts about the Equity Framework.
Digital Inequalities and the Online Researcher
Some of us feel that technology is everywhere, but that is not the case for everyone. Inequalities persist. What do these disparities mean for researchers?
Promoting social justice in qualitative research and empowering early career researchers
Experienced global researchers Safary Wa-Mbaleka and Anna Cohen Miller discuss social justice and qualitative research.
Let’s Discuss Intellectual and Academic Freedom, Part 2
In this roundtable discussion moderated by Janet Salmons, Research Community Manager for Sage Methodspace, Marc Spooner (Canada), Nicole Brown and Áine McAllister (UK), Natalia Reinoso Chavez (Colombia) and Consuelo Chapela (Mexico) discuss constraints on academic freedom and recommendations for researchers.
Who is in my classroom and why does it matter for teaching research methods?
Why does identity matter in the methods classroom?
Using an Equity Lens in Measurement and Data Collection
How to look at data collection using an Equity Framework for CTE Research, which provides principles and practices for researchers on equity questions, designs, and implications throughout the research process.
Contemporary Studies of Juneteenth
Find a multidisciplinary collection of scholarly and historical articles about Juneteenth.
Moving From Praxis To Power: Innovative Pre-Institute Marks The Return of SICSS-Howard/Mathematica
The first Summer Institute in Computational Social Science held at a Historically Black College or University, returns to Howard University for its two-day pre-institute, Praxis to Power for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and beginning faculty who needed more time to practice computational methods.