Interpreting Data and Making Claims: Interview with Charles Vanover, Paul Mihas, and Johnny Saldana
In July we considered ways to analyze data. But of course the process doesn't stop there! We need to move to the next step, interpretation. We have a new team of SAGE authors to help us with this research phase. Watch this video interview to get acquainted with Drs. Charles Vanover, Paul Mihas, and Johnny Saldana, who will serve as the Mentors in Residence for July.
Vanover, Mihas, and Saldana are co-editors of a new book, Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Research: After the Interview. Chapter authors will contribute to MethodSpace this month as well, so follow for a rich collection of original posts, media, and resources. While their book is focused on research using qualitative data, we will also offer posts about interpreting quantitative data this month.
This hands-on post introduces a tool you can use in the analytic stage of a qualitative study.