2019 Hits: Methodological Innovations
As we close out 2019 on SAGE MethodSpace, let's look at some of the most read and cited open access posts. In this post, find sources from Methodological Innovations.
2019 Hits: Popular Research Articles
Let's look at some of the research articles readers found interesting in 2019!
Why is research dissemination important for scholar-practitioners?
Research dissemination is essential if you want others to learn about and use your findings.
Q & A: Market research for book proposals
How do you select the most appropriate publisher, and position the book in the market?
Ten Ways To Unstick Your Writing
Dr. Helen Kara offers practical tips to help get out of your writing rut.
Contracts & Changes: When Publishers Merge
Abstract, the Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA) open access blog, includes excellent advice for writers who have book contracts with publishers when mergers, acquisitions, or other changes that can potentially impact the agreement. Learn from lawyers and experts who specialize in this niche.
Working with Your Publisher
Abstract, the Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA) open access blog, offers advice for writers who want to cultivate a positive relationship with their editors and publisher.
Social Media for Book Promotion
Mentor-in-Residence Mark Carrigan offers suggestions about promoting your books.
Contracts & Agreements
Abstract, the Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA) open access blog, includes excellent advice for writers who are negotiating new contracts. Here are a few examples.
Collaborative Writing: Ten Top Tips
In this guest post Dr. Helen Kara discusses her experiences with collaborative writing.
Five Steps to Meeting the Challenges of Maintaining an Appropriate Writing Voice
It's Academic Writing Month! This is a great time to think about writing style and voice.
Making Sense of The Knowledge Explosion with Knowledge Mapping
Bernadette Wright and Steve Wallis introduced knowledge mapping as a part of the evaluation profess.
Euro CSS 2019: European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science
The 2nd-4th September 2019 marked the third in a series of symposia on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science (Euro CSS). Computer scientists, political scientists, sociologists, physicists, mathematicians and psychologists from 24 countries gathered in Zurich for a day of workshops and tutorials followed by a two-day one track conference.
Politics and Computational Social Science 2019 Round-Up
On the 28th of August, we visited sunny Georgetown University to discuss all things politics and Computational Social Science for the second annual PaCSS conference. Here are our highlights.
About Data Visualizations: Bar Graphs
Simple but powerful, bar graphs are one of the most common charts used to compare categorical data, which are data that can be grouped into categories like race and sex. Here Diana gives some tips for making the perfect Bar graph.
IC2S2 2019 round-up
The baton was passed to the University of Amsterdam for the fifth addition of IC2S2 with the core conference taking place between 18-20 July.
Get Creative: Animation & Comics
Helen Kara wrote a book about creative methods, and continues to explore new approaches. In this post she shares some examples with MethodSpace readers.
Credit where credit is due: The startups, products and organizations giving academics credit for more of their work
It’s all about incentives. The current academic ecosystem incentivises publication in high impact factor journals and grant capture above all else, but there is more to being an academic than producing journal articles and winning grants. Luckily there are an increasing number of initiatives that are helping academics get credit for more of the work they do and increase their broader impact. This post rounds up some of the most interesting efforts.