Innovative “Bite-Sized Lunchtime Talks” Offer Unique Opportunity for SICSS-Howard/Mathematica Participants To See Data at Work

SICSS-Howard/Mathematica participants had the benefit of novel Bite-Sized Lunchtime Talks during the inaugural SICSS at a Historically Black College or University. The purpose of this SICSS-H/M specific site innovation was to introduce participants to people and organizations doing impactful and complementary work with data.

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Innovative “Praxis to Power” pre-institute marks the beginning of the first Summer Institute in Computational Social Science at a Historically Black University

This blog post is the second of nine in a series called “The Future of Computational Social Science is Black” about SICSS-Howard/Mathematica 2021, the first Summer Institute in Computational Social Science held at a Historically Black College or University.

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The Future of Computational Social Science is Black: Welcome SICSS-Howard/Mathematica 2021

This blog post is the first of nine in a series called “The future of computational social science is Black” about SICSS-Howard/Mathematica 2021, the first Summer Institute in Computational Social Science held at a Historically Black College or University. As you go through this package of blogs you will experience the journey we took in 2021.

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Uncovering new keys to countering anti-Black racism and inequity using computational social science

A new Summer Institute in Computational Social Science organized by Howard University and Mathematica promises to bring the power of computational social science to the issues of systemic racism and inequality in America. This marks the first time the successful SICSS model is being hosted by a Historically Black College or University.

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What a year...Here are our top posts of 2020: From text mining tools in the social sciences to running online experiments and visualizing COVID-19 data

The SAGE Ocean Blog started the year off with a piece on our recently published white paper on software tools for social science. Next week we’ll publish a piece from senior product manager Daniela Duca on the challenges of running social science experiments from home and what tools can help. The move to online teaching, learning, and research feature heavily in our top posts of 2020. Back in April Katie Metzler wrote about the challenge COVID-19 to student research projects and in May, Jason Radford provided some helpful recommendations for translating studies into an online format and recruiting virtual participants.

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